Tribute to Ali Banat.

Tribute to Ali Banat. May He's Soul Rest In Peace. It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live, Our Brother Had a wonderful life until the Day He Was Diagnosed with Testicular Cancer that redirected His Humanity Making Self Conscious that His Life was Set for a greater purpose, Which He understood His Life Has just Began to Move Forward Not Backwards, Allah has given him the chance to change. Death only Takes the Body, Allah takes the soul, our minds holds the Memories Our Heart Keeps the Love.Our Faith Lets us Knows We will Meet Again/ Ali was from Greenacre in Sydney’s south-west and made a comfortable living, running a successful business. In his Gifted with Cancer video, he showed off his bedroom which was lined with Louis Vuitton shoes, the only brand of footwear he wore, and a bracelet costing $60,000 (£33,945). One of his cars included a Ferrari Spider worth $600,000 (£339,237.50). But as soon as he got sick, he realised none o...