Uber Driver In Lagos Nigeria Return $2460dollar to the Rightful owner.

Our Country Nigeria Need more Honest and Deligent People Like wahaba Olaatanda. Wahaba Olaatanda is an Uber Driver in Lagos He Narrate How he Returns $2460 Dollars He Found in his Uber Car to the Rightful owner. Upon Returning the Money The lady show Her Gratitude By giving Him 100dollar out of the Money Returned. he wrote on Instagram : w.o_exclusive: okay somtin has happen again right here, make i do uber hustle get some change oo, This Lady forgot this envelope in my car, in it is $2,460, she called some minutes after, Im so glad i returned it and she’s so happy, she almost cried , said its meant for her mortgage, she gave me $100 which im more contended with than the $2,460 oya now im feeling so good right now #Oshamor


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